Walton Steventon, Dairy Lane, Hambleden, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 3AS
Telephone: 01491 638473 or 07973 311721
Email: enquiries@waltonsteventon.co.uk
Directions from Marlow: Take the A4155 out of Marlow towards Henley on Thames. Drive through Mill End after about 4 miles. Continue for about 1 mile. Having just passed the entrance to the Henley Business School on the left, turn right into the minor road, Dairy Lane. Walton Steventon is a short way along on the left.
Directions from Henley on Thames: Take the A4155 out of Henley towards Marlow. After about 1½ miles you will pass a wooded area on the left, continue a further ¼ mile and turn left into the minor road Dairy Lane. Walton Steventon is a short way along on the left.